The Tomorrow Fund is an unrestricted fund that addresses the basic foundational needs of the organization such as administrative, occupancy, and operational necessities.
By allocating donations received through this Fund towards supplementing these foundational costs, any extra revenue from other sources can be directed towards supporting client-focused programs, services, and resources.
The Tomorrow Fund highlights the need to retain valuable Advancement and Administrative positions, seeing them as a part of the operational structure in keeping The Today Centre’s brand recognition, issue awareness, and fundraising goals partially or fully covered. Additionally, it will be used to supplement the costs associated with retaining and recruiting Advancement personnel in positions that advance the communications, marketing, fund development, community engagement, donor management, and events departments of The Today Centre.
Why The Tomorrow Fund?
The Tomorrow Fund assists in supporting the costs associated with operating a nonprofit organization. Funds will be allocated to the administrative, occupancy, and operational costs of the organization. In doing so, extra revenue generated from grants, sponsorships, etc. can go directly to supporting client services.
Administrative - office supplies, equipment, and furniture, IT services, etc.
Occupancy - rent, utilities, insurance, security system, etc.
Operational - staffing, marketing, communications, networking, and fund development costs
The Tomorrow Fund will help educate funders and potential financial partners on the need to change existing ways of thinking in terms of providing financial support to operations rather than client-centered expenses. This is so that any trajectory gained in recognition, awareness, and fundraising through Advancement or Administrative personnel can continue on rather than come to a complete standstill if there is no funding left over for their positions.
When this happens, any previous momentum in these vital areas gained stops and can bring the organization right back to square-one. This rollercoaster effect can be damaging to The Today Centre’s image and end up being more expensive to rectify if new funding is provided for these positions, than it would have been to find a way to keep them in the first place.
By freeing up any funding coming in to help supplement these costs, The Today Centre can direct those monies towards building a stronger foundation that will help sustain and exceed our financial goals which in turn, will better support client-focused services and programming. Because we know tomorrow comes but we don’t know what tomorrow brings, that’s why tomorrow matters. Investing in The Today Centre helps ensure we are here tomorrow.
Ways to Give
By choosing to be involved with The Today Centre, know that what you do today will positively impact someone else’s tomorrow.
Via The Today Centre’s website donation form
Via the CanadaHelps online portal
Mail or drop off in-person:
The Today Centre
17724 102 Avenue NW
Westgate Business Park
Edmonton, AB T5S 1H5 -
Drop off in-person:
The Today Centre
17724 102 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 1H5 -
Sharing about the Tomorrow Fund with others and spreading awareness about The Today Centre, is a great way to contribute meaningfully even without giving financially. It is a great way to de-stigmatize family violence in our communities and share about the increasing need for resources and support.
Why Give
The Tomorrow Fund is an unrestricted fund that addresses the elements of organizational need. It highlights the importance of funding the basic foundational needs of the organization, builds a stronger foundation for the organization to stand on, shines a light on the organization’s capacity to support those experiencing family violence, and explores a future full of possibilities made possible with consistent support.
Whether you've made a financial donation, dedicated your time as a volunteer, or shared your story with us, your generosity has made positive and lasting changes.
Your contributions, along with your enduring support, are instrumental in fueling our mission to provide immediate, integrated, and inclusive services to individuals impacted by family violence and to raise awareness, educate, and build capacity in the community. With your help, we continue to chip away at the pervasive global issue of family violence, offering hope in places where it is most needed.
Because of you, countless individuals and families made a pivotal step towards the emergence from the shadows of family violence. Your support has made The Today Centre a beacon of hope for many, instilling them with the courage to reclaim their lives.